Crushed Cans!

17 01 2009

crushed cans
Title: Crushed Cans
Medium: Acrylic on black paper
Size: 42.5cm x 29.8cm
Date: 25 October 2008

This was another NAFA work which was done late last year, just before my Global Classroom Programme to Shanghai (that explains the unfinished work). Basically, we were told to create a composition from scrapped objects, making a realistic painting from crushed, rusted or altered objects.
Such examples could include rusty nails, crushed paper, cans etc.
The reason why I chose to paint crushed cans was because I felt that cans have a larger variety of colours, which could make the painting process more fun and less boring.
My favourite one is the red Coca Cola can on the right as it was a challenge to paint that image due to the colour combination (especially when it has to be painted on black paper, which forced us to paint many layers), angle and proportion. Needless to say, I felt accomplished after finishing painting that can. 🙂

Overall satisfaction: ♥♥♥♥ (considering that it was my first attempt in painting crushed cans) – yes its still incomplete…

Mix ‘n’ Match!

15 01 2009

3X3 squares painting from jumble magazine pieces
Title: 3×3 squares painting from jumbled magazine pieces
Medium: acrylic on black paper
Size: 29.7cm x 29.7cm
Date: 29 March 2008

This work was done in NAFA around early last year. We were told to find a picture from a magazine before cropping it to 9 squares. The image on each square was jumbled up by changing their order and rotating them before creating a new composition. The picture was then transferred onto the paper. We had to ensure that the the picture we selected from the magazine were of appropriate colours and included lines and patterns.
I’m rather proud of this work as the medium used was acrylic paint, which is something i’m confident of using to do a painting. Furthermore, I managed to grasp the details shown in the image.
However, one area for improvement would be the image in the first (top left) square, where there is a slight proportion error in the size of the guy’s shoes. A way to prevent such problem in future drawings would be a detailed measurement of the subject matter, which would hopefully minimize the proportion error.

overall satisfaction: ♥♥♥♥

Hello world!

7 01 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!